It’s Official! As of March 11th, 2009, Our Neighborhood is Re-Zoned!

The hard work finally paid off. Our neighborhood has been re-zoned to reflect the current built environment and to allow for sensible growth. This re-zoning effort was the result of everyone–community members, elected officials, community board, and city agencies–working together to hammer out a solution. 

Our group owes a big thanks to Councilmember Bill de Blasio and his staff (especially Tom Gray and former staff member Kerci Marcello) and to Community Board 7 Chair Randy Peers and District Manager Jeremy Laufer for their help with this effort. 

Everyone in the community can be proud that our persistence and careful forethought has translated into a tangible change in the direction of the neighborhood’s future development. 

A full explanation of the zoning changes can be found at the City Planning website:

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